31 July 2020


More virtue signalling from another old white guy. Woohoo, just what the BLM movement needs. The words are by me, and the great music is by Harry Mudie and King Tubby. I'd appreciate any honest feedback.

Words: A Real Patrick Martin

Music: 'Heavy Duty Dub; from 'Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's ‎– In Dub Conference Volume One'

Video clips include:

BBC TV show on the Black & White Minstrel Show, which ran on primetime UK television until 1978.

'Racism On British TV' (1979)

'Britain On Film - Black Britain' BFI Trailer

'Making Waves' (2015)

Edward Colston statue protest report, C4 News (2020)

06 June 2020

Knob Twiddling by A Real Patrick Martin

Going back to dodgy homemade noise, I threw this together by twiddling my virtual knobs in Caustic 3 (FMSynth/Drone, Bassline/Low Growl, SawSynth/Devo, Beatbox/badcat & latincat), mixed in Audacity with a sample from 'My Perfect Cousin' by The Undertones. Of course it's not me in the video - I wish I had a rig like that. Or the hair. Enjoy.

10 May 2020

My Birthday Gifts To A Grateful World

Here are three birthday gifts from a dreary old git. My Red Mix, White Mix and Blue Mix. You're welcome, World.

Fantasy Festival Beer Tent - Dance Like A Parent Mix

Things are getting out of hand in my Fantasy Beer Tent. Old fools who should know better are determined to show the young 'uns how it's done...

14 March 2020

Fantasy Festival Beer Tent - Stingray Mixtape

It's getting late in the fantasy festival beer tent. But there's always time for one more round.

29 February 2020

Fantasy Festival Beer Tent - Radio, Radio Mixtape

Here is another mixtape to be played after hours in my fantasy festival beer tent. Mind out for the slops.

15 February 2020

Fantasy Festival Beer Tent - UFO Mixtape

Here is my second Mixcloud mixtape. A wannabe DJ mix for a certain festival beer tent late night session. Are you listening Matt? Of course you're not. No one is. But I don't mind. I've got the bar to myself.